Colarity - sustainable professional development

Yes, there needs to be a certain level of reskilling and retraining, but workers and organisations must look to the future and ensure that the skills they are investing in, will carry them forward into the new order of work.

Companies not only need to identify employees with the right education, new talents and necessary transferrable skills, but they need to reinvent themselves as learning institutions if they are to attract and retain employees.

Having learning platforms in place for workers is undoubtedly a good start, but unless this is coupled with experiential activities that are either self-organised or supported through coaching, there can be a great deal of investment with a limited return. Offering professional development opportunities to meet stakeholder expectations, or as part of a ‘tick-box’ exercise will fail to deliver the desired results.

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In many cases, it may be necessary for workers to undertake a range of professional development activities to successfully retrain and upskill. Learning new skills through a course or further education, coaching, and mentoring are all excellent ways to ensure workers and organisations are future-ready.

Traditionally, coaching and mentoring is typically reserved for senior managers and company directors. However, companies now understand the need to invest in their people and are increasingly making them available to assist the emerging leaders within their organisations.

But it’s not the sole responsibility of organisations to train and reskill their workers. Individuals must take greater responsibility for their personal and professional development. Using the services of a professional career coach or mentor is becoming increasingly necessary for those who need to investigate a career change, or to maximise their potential with their existing employer.

How coaching helps organisations to succeed

Organisations will need top talent to succeed. The key to retaining staff or even long-term contractors is by building a culture of excellence by investing in people.

Research by Ceridian, a global human capital management technology company, shows that 91 per cent of top-performing workers believe it’s essential to work for an employer that provides development opportunities.

One way to develop talent is through coaching to improve performance by enhancing current skills or acquiring new skills by helping them to see things differently.

People with busy lifestyles can now connect with coaches through online platforms, that offer webinars, online training and digital coaching delivery methods.

Another valuable vehicle for learning is mentorship, with research showing that high-potential employees, or emerging leaders, who participate in job-focused mentorships can increase their potential by up to 32%. It also provides new opportunities for learning, which helps employees remain engaged and improves corporate performance.

Lifelong learning is a non-negotiable when it comes to surviving and thriving in the current and future work environment – and it’s up to organisations and individuals to take the lead and actively seek out opportunities for continuing education if they want to keep up with the pace. 


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